Update 02/01/15
Our Colorist Frederick Trevino hard at work.
Along with the score by our awesome composer Aled Roberts, we are pleased to announce that INHABIT will feature music from the incredible southern folk band Rising Appalachia! They performed at the Northeast Permaculture Convergence last summer and have been a powerful rhythm in the permaculture and environmental movement for many years.
As mentions in the last update, the first screening of INHABIT will be at the Permaculture Voices Conference in San Diego on March 5th!
Soon after the Conference we are planning a number of official INHABIT Screenings across the Northeast beginning the weekend of March 19th, and if you would like to host a screening of your own contact us and we can set you up with our online platform/organizer TUGG. This and other spring screening info will be coming to you shortly!
So far the response to our film has been extremely positive.
We have already been accepted by two prestigious film festivals! The Princeton Environmental Film Festival at the end of March and the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival in Ithaca in early April. We are still waiting on many more and we will release all this information as soon as we know more!
So...Stay Updated here or on our FaceBook page!
Talk soon,